What Item From Your Past Do You Miss?

Okay, show of hands if you ever owned a water bed?

I did. I remember being a pre-teen when I slept on one, next to my older sister, before we eventually got our own rooms. The problem with sharing a water bed? Each time she rolled over, I nearly did as well. A water bed can be relaxing, until you’re awakened by a what feels like a giant wave rippling your entire being from deep sleep. I’m sure she would say the same about the times I moved in my sleep, as well. A water bed seemed like a good idea at the time, and I can still picture the shaggy avocado-green carpeted frame that surrounded it.

But, I digress.

It got me thinking, what item from your past do you miss? (Or maybe you don’t?) I also miss those red plastic lips that opened and contained two shades of lipgloss inside. As a kid, the lipgloss smelled amazing. Not sure they even make such things anymore! Possibly an item my Mom would order from Avon?

We would love to hear from you, tell us what you miss these days!

