Naked Doggie is a new phrase in Deb’s house

Someone I know (who happens to have her own pet sitting business) shared with me a new phrase last week.

She was telling me she removes the collars from all 3 of her dogs when they have gone out for the evening, so they can sleep without restrictions. She and her fiance’ call this liberation ‘Naked Doggie.’

The phrase made me giggle, but sure enough my husband, kids, and I have also adopted the Naked Doggie phrase in our home. Bella absolutely loves it! Even a small irritated area of fur that sat directly below her neck, under the collar, has healed since we introduced the new method.

While discussing the phrase with Jim this morning, he seemed rather intrigued, maybe a little TOO curious, LOL, so let this serve as notice to his neighbors who may soon see ‘Naked Jimmy!’

You’ve been warned!  😉

