Deb’s Son Asks How to Use a Payphone


Hey, it’s Deb…

It was a strange feeling, but it happened over vacation.  I was with my family, walking at an amusement park, when our youngest son asked me, ‘Hey, Mom, how’s this thing work?’

The THING he was referring to was a payphone.  It was still in operation, believe it or not. I couldn’t help but laugh at his question.

Kids these days have access to smart phones and tablets and certainly don’t need coins to make a phone call.  They have it easy.  They haven’t experienced putting change in to a public phone and dialing a number.  Or better yet, giving that friend or family member the payphone number you’re calling from so they can call you back!.  Then, of course, you hope that no one needs to use the phone in the meantime.

***Everybody back.  I’m. Expecting. A. Call.***

It’s one of those things from our past that doesn’t seem all that long ago.  Kind of like looking up a number in a phone book (do people still do that?) or dropping off your film. (I can’t remember the last time I did the latter!)  I sort of miss ‘forgetting’ that I dropped off film and remembering years months later, then being surprised by the pictures I finally got around to purchasing.

All of this seems weird to me, because I can recall my parents sharing similar stories.  And I used to think they were ‘old!‘  I guess life eventually comes full-circle.

And you can bet that my definition of old has certainly changed.  😉
