Wynonna Reveals Personal Struggle During Interview With Deb
Posted on July 18, 2019
Two questions we are often asked as radio personalities…
What time do you wake? (3:30 am)
Who has been your favorite interview over the years?
The favorite interview answer is different for all of us, though my favorite, hands-down, is Wynonna Judd. All country music artists are kind, and Wy was no different. However, I loved that she opened up, pulled back the curtain if you will, and wasn’t afraid to show a side of herself that many celebrities would be inclined to keep to themselves.
After our initial exchange of hellos, and laughing over a parenting anecdote or two, I was feeling so comfortable talking with Wynonna that I decided to ask a more personal question:
‘There has to be something about you that even the biggest Wynonna fan would not know, what would that be?’
Wynonna paused for a moment, took a deep breath, and her answer caught me by surprise.
Click below to hear Wy’s response and see Wynonna perform tomorrow at the Kroger Symphony on the Prairie!