Deb Falls At Home Because She Tripped On…THIS?

Another day, another mishap!

Ever thought your life was so off-kilter that you can’t make this stuff up? That’s me in a nutshell. Similar to the stupid weight machine that has been a source of frustration for me because it is still parked in my garage (however, I’m grateful it is no longer in my living room next to our piano!), I sometimes wonder how I function on a daily basis.

This morning started like every other. I showered, dressed, took the dog out, grabbed my favorite coconut water and was ready to hit the road for my 18-minute commute to the studio. Before leaving, I remembered my jacket was in my bedroom closet, so I took the stairs by two to retrieve my favorite red coat that I purchased at a consignment store a few years back.

Jacket in hand, I strolled at a quick pace (Kevin says I walk fast though I’m always in a hurry) through my bedroom when I trip on something in the floor and immediately go airborne.

Gymnast-style airborne, no less, yet there weren’t any judges or medals to win. I wasn’t sure what happened or where I would land in the darkened room. We all know that what goes up must come down and I landed with a thud on my left shoulder and left leg, muttering a few choice words in frustration.

Greg: ‘What was…THAT?’ I replied, ‘Me. It was ME.’

Is anyone surprised here? I didn’t think so. Let’s move on.

Did I trip on our dog? A laundry basket that had been left on the floor? That stack of clothes I’ve been meaning to donate? No, those things would have been expected. Instead, I tripped on…a pillow.

A FREAKING PILLOW. How does this happen?

A few hours (along with and a bruised leg and sore neck) later, I’m proceeding with caution in the studio. THIS IS MY LIFE.

And how is YOUR day?
